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"By the new and living way that He opened for us... let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith..."
HEBREWS 10:20, 22

New Way is one of the ministry teams at New Heart Music Ministries, based in Houston, Texas. New Heart began in 1997 with a vision of ushering people into the presence of God through music. New Way continues this vision by focusing on English and Youth ministry and aims to equip the next generation of musicians and worshipers for God's glory.

Over the past decade, New Way has served churches in Texas, New Jersey, California, Maryland, and Brazil through
worship training and events.
After releasing a self-titled EP album in 2014, New Way continues to pursue creative songwriting endeavors with the 2020 release of its full-length album, "
Savior of the World."


Our vision is to lead, equip, & inspire generations of musicians, worshipers, & followers of Christ.



We believe in God-centered and Gospel-focused worship.


We believe that music has the power to move us, but Scripture has the power to transform us.


We believe that through Christ's death and resurrection, we have a "NEW and living WAY" to draw near to God, expressed through our worship and our lives.


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